40 Half Shaved Pixie Cut

Looking for the best half shaved pixie cuts? We have rounded up the images of 40 Half Shaved Pixie Cut that you will love! Pixie cuts are in trends lately, many celebrities chop their long locks and sport short hairstyles like pixie cuts. Another hair trend is side shaved hairstyles wether you have long hair or short hairstyle you can join the club. But pixie with side shave look absolutely unique and fashion forward.This shaved pixie cut is daring and the perfect way to show off a rebellious, girlish complexion. Adding some caramel or honey blonde highlights in the top section helps to emphasize the fabulous texture and strong movement across the head. Shaved hairstyles look great with blonde hair but for more unique look you can go with pink, grey or your natural hair color. Hair styling mousses gives just the right amount of hold, to keep the top in place and allow forward-swept section in place. Here in our gallery you will find images of popular shaved pixie cuts that you may like. Check them out for more inspirational ideas!